Turquoise Swirls in the Black Sea

Turquoise Swirls in the Black Sea

Most summers, jewel-toned hues appear in the Black Sea, a result of phytoplankton that trace the flow of water currents and eddies. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Aqua satellite recently collected imagery of such an ongoing phytoplankton bloom.

Great Barrier Reef

Great Barrier Reef

The European Space Agency (ESA) Copernicus Sentinel-2A satellite collected an image of part of the Great Barrier Reef off Australia's northeast coast on April 1, 2017.

Monitoring Grasslands for Agricultural Subsidies

Monitoring Grasslands for Agricultural Subsidies

Grasslands cover approximately 37 percent of Earth's land surface when calculated with shrub-lands and savannas. In Western Europe, grasslands comprise 40 percent of agricultural land. And now European Space Agency (ESA) Copernicus Sentinel satellites are being used to detect and better evaluate management practices of grasslands in Estonia.

16th Century Dutch Star-Shaped ˜Moat Fort'

16th Century Dutch Star-Shaped ˜Moat Fort'

Fort Bourtange is a star-shaped moat fort, located in the village of Bourtange in the east of Groningen in the Netherlands near the German border. This fort was built in 1593 to create a border around the only road between Germany and Groningen, which was was occupied by Spaniards around the time of the Eighty Years War.

Shadows Across Arctic Iceberg

Shadows Across Arctic Iceberg

The shadow of NASA’s P-3 aircraft is seen over an iceberg on a May 8, 2017, flight supporting NASA’s Operation IceBridge mission. IceBridge began its final week of Arctic Spring 2017 surveys with a glacier-packed mission in Greenland.

Record-Low Sea Ice

Record-Low Sea Ice

On Feb. 13, 2017, the combined Arctic and Antarctic sea-ice numbers were at their lowest point since satellites began to continuously measure sea ice in 1979.

Vertical Images: From Film Making to Inspection, and Why the Future of Drones Doesn't Lie in Flying

Vertical Images: From Film Making to Inspection, and Why the Future of Drones Doesn't Lie in Flying

Successful drone entrepreneur Petr Lněnička went from award-winning filmmaker to drone inspection leader in his native Czech Republic. Here he lays out 3 pieces of advice and explains why for him, the transition seemed logical, and why he believes the future of drone mapping services will place less and less emphasis on drones and more and more weight on mapping data.


April Issue 2024