Optical Satellite Imagery

by | Dec 11, 2011

Airbus Defence and Space

5, rue des Satellites

BP 14 359

F 31030 Toulouse cedex 4


+33 (0)5 62 19 40 40


With exclusive access to Pléiades, SPOT and TerraSAR-X satellite data, as well as a broad range of other space and airborne resources, Defence and Space offers an extensive product and services portfolio covering the entire geographic information value chain”from optical and radar satellite imagery to value-added services and turnkey geo-information solutions.



Kurfürstendamm 22

Berlin, Germany

+49 30-6098300-100


BlackBridge, now part of Planet Labs, is focused on providing end to end solutions across the geospatial value chain. This includes satellite operations, ground station services, data center and geocloud solutions, and worldwide satellite imagery distribution through over 100 BlackBridge partners, combined with the creation of value added products and services.



1300 W. 120th Ave

Westminster, CO 80234



DigitalGlobe is a leading provider of commercial high-resolution earth observation and advanced geospatial solutions that help decision makers better understand our changing planet in order to save lives, resources and time. Sourced from the world’s leading constellation, our imagery solutions deliver unmatched coverage and capacity to meet our customers’ most demanding mission requirements. Each day customers depend on DigitalGlobe data, information, technology and expertise to gain actionable insight.


East View Geospatial

Minneapolis, MN


East View Geospatial represents satellite imagery from providers around the globe and has become the source to help clients navigate the many choices of imagery types and resolutions.  EVG prides itself on delivering the most accurate and up-to-date satellite imagery that is commercially available.  To meet exacting client specifications, we have formed relationships and acquired re-seller agreements with the world's leading commercial imagery providers including: DigitalGlobe, Airbus, Satrec, ImageSat, Planet Labs/BlackBridge, Valtus, Hexagon, and 21st Century Aerospace Technology.



eMap International

Brevard, NC 28712



eMap International provides the highest quality geospatial products and consulting to a wide range of academic, commercial and government clients. Working with clients from Fortune 500 firms to individuals, as well as federal, state and local agencies, eMap has a proven track record of delivering project-specific geospatial products, including satellite and aerial imagery, LiDAR and parcel data. eMap, a veteran-owned small business, is uniquely suited to provide expert geospatial consulting, superior technical support and responsive customer service.


European Space Imaging

Arnulfstrasse 199, 80634
Munich, Germany


Based in Germany and established in 2002, European Space Imaging is the leading premium supplier of global very high-resolution (VHR) satellite imagery and derived services to customers in Europe, North Africa and CIS countries. With over 15 years' experience, we have developed a reputation for expert and personalised customer service and an unbeatable track record for supplying tailored very high resolution imagery solutions to meet the diverse projects and requirements of our customers.

European Space Imaging is the only European satellite data provider that can fully utilize all DigitalGlobe very high resolution satellites and currently operates a dedicated multi-mission ground station with direct data uplink and downlink to WorldView-1, WorldView-2, WorldView-3 and WorldView-4. In addition, we can also locally plan and receive images from GeoEye-1. This unique offering allows for direct satellite tasking, taking into account real-time weather information and enabling customer flexibility to ensure we get a high quality image each and every time.




Global Marketing Insights

6801 Brockville Road, Suite 206

Cleveland, OH 44131



Since 1997, Global Marketing Insights (GMI), a woman-owned firm, has provided Geospatial Business Intelligence Experts for a wide range of aerospace, geospatial and remote sensing strategic business planning, sales and marketing implementation services and highly customized market research services. These services include developing targeted product/service market studies and competitive market research for government agencies and private-sector firms whose goal is to increase their market share. As authors of the USGS and NOAA 2005-2020 International Remote Sensing Studies for Asia, Africa, North America and Europe (with South America in progress), GMI possesses the world's largest database of remote sensing research (available in online interactive maps) and social and cultural trend information by country, providing GMI with expertise in technology transfers among all market sectors.



ImageSat International N.V.

Yoni Netanyahu St.

Or Yehuda 6037604, Israel



ImageSat International owns and operates the EROS A and EROS B very high-resolution imaging satellites, providing high-quality imaging services, with maximum autonomy, secrecy and flexibility. Our global customer base, of governments and international agencies use EROS imagery for national, homeland and environmental security and wide range of civilian applications.




L3Harris Geospatial, a subsidiary of L3Harris Technologies, Inc.

With project experience going back to 1951, you can rely on L3Harris to provide you with the most convenient, efficient and cost-effective solutions for imagery and mapping projects. Our experts will help you acquire the best commercially available satellite imagery, aerial photography, elevation data, or photogrammetric mapping products for your project's success.


L3Harris Geospatial, a subsidiary of L3Harris Technologies, Inc.

385 Interlocken Crescent, Suite 300 Broomfield, CO 80021

Phone: 303-786-9900

Website: https://www.l3harrisgeospatial.com/




LAND INFO Worldwide Mapping LLC

Denver, CO



LAND INFO Worldwide Mapping, LLC is a leading provider of high-resolution aerial/satellite imagery and value-added remote sensing solutions such as ortho mosaics, DEMs/3d building models, feature extraction such as building foot-prints and spectral classification/Object-Based Image Analysis for land-use/land-cover, impervious surface, vegetation and change detection mapping. The company also offers LiDAR, UAS and an extensive archive of global digital map data. LAND INFO is an AIRBUS DEFENCE & SPACE Image Partner, DigitalGlobe Distribution Partner, RapidEye Direct Distributor, Authorized Valtus Reseller, Authorized Intermap Data Distributor, Esri Business Partner and USGIF Member. Please contact us for data recommendations, searches, academic pricing and volume purchase discounts.




SI Imaging Services

441, Expo-ro, Yuseong-gu, 34051

Daejeon, Republic of Korea



SI Imaging Services (SIIS) is the exclusive worldwide marketing and sales representative of KOMPSAT series KOMPSAT-2, KOMPSAT-3, KOMPSAT-3A and KOMPSAT-5.
SIIS contributes Remote Sensing and Earth observation industries societies by providing very high resolution optical and SAR images through over 90 sales partners worldwide.

Customers from industries as well as government and international agencies are using KOMPSAT imagery for their missions and researches and achieve good results in several remote sensing applications such as mapping, agriculture, disaster management, and so on. SIIS started its business as a satellite image and service provider and extended its business to KOMPSAT operation.


August Issue 2024