USGIF's Human Geography Monograph Now Available for Online Purchase

by | Jun 19, 2014

Herndon, Va., June 4, 2014”The U.S. Geospatial Intelligence Foundation's newly released monograph, Human Geography: Socio-Cultural Dynamics and Global Security, is now available for purchase via the USGIF website or

The volume is the first publication in the USGIF Monograph Series and marks an exciting new phase of USGIF professional development. Edited by USGIF Vice President of Professional Development Dr. Darryl Murdock; Dr. Robert Tomes, president of The MapStory Foundation and director at BAE Systems; and Dr. Christopher Tucker, principal at Yale House Ventures, the 232-page monograph features a collection of articles by thought leaders and leading human geography practitioners from around the globe.

The audience for this monograph includes human geography professionals as well as academic programs, for which the monograph could serve as either a primary or secondary textbook. The monograph has already been shipped to many colleges and universities, including USGIF accredited programs, as well as to libraries, local high schools, and the U.S. State Department.

USGIF members may purchase the monograph at discounted prices of $79 via the USGIF website using PayPal or a major credit card. All other or purchases by non-members are $99. USGIF plans to also release the monograph on Amazon Kindle at a later date.


August Issue 2024