Topcon Announces New ES Series Total Station with Advanced Data Transfer Functionality

by | Jan 25, 2017

LIVERMORE, Calif.  “ Topcon Positioning Group announces the release of the latest addition to its ES total station series in the Americas, the ES-60. Featuring advanced reflectorless capabilities and an upgraded data transfer functionality ” the new ES-60 is designed to provide an entry-level total station option with a fast and powerful EDM.

The ES-60 is an excellent solution for customers looking for the dependability and accuracy of the ES series in an entry-level package, said Ray Kerwin, director of global surveying products. Incorporating all the time-honored expectations of the ES series along with a reflectorless EDM of up to 350 m, and 4000 m with a prism ” the instrument also offers a USB option for quick and easy data transfer.

The ES-60 offers 2 and 5 arc second accuracies. It's ideal for land surveying, topography, construction layout, foundations and exterior job sites as well as as-built projects, said Kerwin.

Additional features include 10,000 points of memory, a battery life of up to 15 hours, dual axis compensation, a waterproof design, and a laser pointer.

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