The Excellent Mobile GIS App – SuperSurv 10 Is Coming Soon

by | Dec 21, 2016

Supergeo is pleased to announce that SuperSurv, one of the most well-known mobile GIS products of Supergeo, will soon leap forward to the next generation, SuperSurv 10!

Available on iOS and Android mobile operating systems, SuperSurv is a mobile GIS app designed for field surveying and spatial data collection by Supergeo Product Team. Recently, the engineers of Supergeo are working hard to develop the latest mobile GIS products, including SuperSurv 10 and SuperPad 10. In SuperSurv 10, the new interface design is apart from the previous version, which the designer greatly corrects the design philosophy and gives it a more mobile-oriented style. The core concept for new interface is easy-to-use and user-friendly. Therefore, the product team restructures the workflow, which will reduce the time users need to manipulate. Of course, practical capabilities like project-based management, surveying, and waypoints will serve users like it always does.

With the vast improvement in software manipulation, the SuperSurv 10 not only inherits all the great features from the 3.3 version but will augment new functions like the Template of Project and the support for SBAS. Accordingly, no matter you need high-precision or general spatial data, SuperSurv can meet it all with ease. Other than that, the integration with the cloud computing technology will also be strengthened in SuperSurv 10, allowing users to load the files stored in Google Drive and Dropbox directly. At the same time, the connection to OGC standard services (WMS and WMTS) and SuperGIS Server is also enhanced, which will boost the efficiency and productivity of the field surveying team.

Now, SuperSurv 10 is in the testing stage and is scheduled to release soon. Please stay tuned for the latest development of this excellent mobile GIS software.

Haven't try SuperSurv 3.3 yet? Sign up and get a trial!

Here are more details about the current version of SuperSurv.


August Issue 2024