Latest Version of TerraGo Edge Helps Companies Stick with New Year's Resolutions, Lose Weight and Improve Relationships

by | Jan 14, 2016

TerraGo, a pioneer of geospatial collaboration and enterprise mobility software, announces the availability of TerraGo Edge 3.9, which gives customers powerful new features to help them optimize their location-based workflows.  The latest release of TerraGo Edge, available on iOS® and Android®, makes it easier than ever to assign, monitor and manage tasks for mobile personnel.

According to Mario Gosalvez, Manager at DT Research, This is why TerraGo Edge is increasingly being used to replace traditional GPS handhelds for surveys, asset inspections and field service – because you can capture the same high-accuracy data, and you can do so much more with a modern mobile solution.  He adds, With TerraGo Edge, managers can see where their workers are located in real-time, instantly assign tasks based on proximity, monitor the actual work being done and dramatically improve the productivity of their operations. You can't do that with a proprietary GPS device.

Our customers rely on TerraGo Edge's innovative workflow features and task management to help them manage workers with very different job functions, anywhere on the planet in any industry, said Dave Basil, VP of Products and Services at TerraGo. We designed TerraGo Edge from the ground up so it can be customized to give our customers exactly what they need to manage their unique operations and varying projects.   They not only get the features, custom forms, maps and GPS precision they need to collect data; we give them workflow tools that help them get the job done better and faster.

TerraGo Edge 3.9 includes numerous new features and improvements including:

  •   Advanced task management workflow, including task push notifications, filtering and more
  • Additional REST API features, including spatial search functions, offline maps, filters and sorting
  • Esri File Geodatabase, Esri's most popular format added to ever-growing list of import/export options
  • Notebook download enhancements to improve productivity and performance

Learn more about TerraGo Edge and the latest enhancements in the upcoming webinar on January 19, 2016 at 12:00 PM ET. Register now.

Try the TerraGo Edge iOS or Android app for free.

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August Issue 2024