March 24, 2015 ” GoGeomatics Canada, the premier communications and resource hub in the Canadian geospatial community, has just launched a career guide for international job seekers looking to move to Canada to work in GIS, remote sensing, surveying, geodesy, and geomatics engineering.
Called The International Employment Guide to Geospatial Careers in Canada, this 78 page e-book includes information about the Canadian geospatial employment climate, strategies for overcoming common job search challenges for overseas applicants, resume and cover letter writing techniques and templates, networking and interview tips, links to employment and educational resources, and much more.
We have been seeing an increase in the number of international job seekers visiting our website and contacting us through social media, says Jonathan Murphy, Managing Director of GoGeomatics. Most of these people are highly qualified and passionate, but they face a lot of barriers when looking for work from overseas. This career guide is designed to give them the strategies to overcome those barriers.
This e-book is the latest in a series of GoGeomatics products and services geared toward geospatial job seekers, including their resume and cover letter writing services, and soon-to-be-launched portfolio services.
For more information, or to purchase this resource guide, visit the following website:
About GoGeomatics Canada
GoGeomatics Canada has been providing valuable resources to geomatics job seekers for the past five years. These resources include the GoGeomatics online Job Board, monthly networking socials in cities across Canada, Career Seminars, and an online magazine and email newsletter providing industry news. We are committed to strengthening the geomatics community in Canada.
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