2019 Census Block Group Boundaries & Demographics for Maptitude

by | May 7, 2019

NEWTON MA (USA) – Caliper is pleased to announce that the 2019 U.S. Census Blocks Groups data layer is now available for the entire United States. The 2019 Block Group data work with the latest versions of Caliper’s Maptitude mapping software and TransCAD transportation planning software.

The 2019 U.S. Census Block Groups data is packed with information about the US population and is essential for making accurate location-based decisions. The Block Groups layer contains a nationwide area database with 220,180 Census Block Groups with 2010 Census and 2017 American Community Survey (ACS) demographic data. Block Groups are a combination of Census Blocks and are also a subdivision of Census Tracts. Block Groups generally contain between 600 and 3000 people and are made up of on average 40 Census Blocks.

Included are 2010 Census counts for 97 fields that include total population, age, gender, households, and housing units and 349 fields of 2017 ACS data describing income, population, age, race, ethnicity, households, marital status, education, language spoken, commute, employment, housing units, and housing costs. Also included are 27 fields of 2020 population estimates, five fields of 2016 buying power data, and one field with daytime population. The price is US$250 and it is available online at the Caliper Store.

About Caliper

Caliper Corporation develops state-of-the-art Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software. With a focus on usability, Maptitude is designed to be a cost-effective, professional mapping software product. Maptitude enables organizations to leverage their location-based data to improve decision making and planning, while minimizing expenditure through competitively priced solutions.

Caliper is a privately held corporation and is a leading developer of mapping, redistricting, transportation, and GIS software.


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