ISPRS “ UN-GGIM National Mapping and Cadastral Agency Forum

by | Nov 2, 2015

November 2, 2015 ” The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) together with United Nations Initiative on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) is proud to announce The First ISPRS “ UN-GGIM National Mapping and Cadastral Agency Forum.

One of the strategic goals of ISPRS and the XXIII ISPRS Congress in Prague is to
¢ Highlight the important role of NMCAs, a significant group of ISPRS members, in the geospatial domain
¢ Discuss scientific and technical issues in cadastral and topographic mapping with international colleagues
¢ Give NMCAs better visibility
¢ Encourage NMCAs to share their experience in topics such as:
– consistent feature catalogues across scale,
– 3D databases and database updating,
– big data; mobile and smart technology,
– semantic and geometric data integration,
– earth observation incl. infrastructure issues.
Sessions will comprise invited and presented papers. One session of the Forum will be a joint session of the National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies and Space Agencies.

It will be dedicated to two questions:
¢ How do NMCAs use satellite remote sensing data, what would  they like to see improved, etc.?
¢ What are the plans of Space Agencies in the sphere of data for  NMCAs, how can this cooperation be strengthened?

Registration and more information about the XXIII ISPRS Congress at


August Issue 2024