December 16, 2015 ” Earth-i (, the innovative distributor of imaging and data services from the DMC3 / TripleSat constellation, has new detailed sample imagery available for assessment by customers who wish to take advantage of the constellation's unique combination of optical and temporal resolution. The company is already supplying data to early adopter customers and anticipates a significant ramp up of commercial delivery early in 2016.
Commenting on the rapid and successful commissioning process of the recently launched constellation of three satellites Owen Hawkins, Operations Director at Earth-i, said: We are delighted with the speed and success of the satellite commissioning carried out by our associates SSTL and 21AT. The definition, quality and integrity of the data has exceeded our expectations. He continued: Even before this wider release of sample data, users on our beta-testing programme have been impressed by the flexibility and quality of the system, wishing to make use of the unique capabilities delivered by the constellation.
The DMC3 / TripleSat constellation sets new levels of performance in terms of frequency of imaging opportunities and delivers a unique combination of very high spatial and temporal resolution with imaging opportunities even at any point of the equator every day.
Hawkins is part of the highly experienced and expert team that has been assembled at Earth-i, ensuring the successful initiation of imaging services from the constellation and bringing its unique benefits to the earth imaging market. Owen has spent most of his professional career in the space industry, with globally respected satellite manufacturing and imaging companies including Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL) and DMC International Imaging. His current responsibilities include the technical development and delivery of Earth-i's image and data services. Whilst at SSTL, Owen was instrumental in helping to deliver services to customers throughout Africa, South East Asia and to the UK security and defence sectors.
Dr. Steve Mackin,Remote Sensing Specialist and a well-known and highly respected figure in the Earth Observation sector, also commented on Earth-i's newly released sample data saying: To ensure quality imagery a rigorous commissioning process must followed. This is clearly evident in the high standard of the imagery.
To request a sample data set of DMC3 / TripleSat data visit: