How Disaster Ready Are You?

How Disaster Ready Are You?

Esri Helps Central U.S. States Participate in the Nation’s Largest Emergency Exercise On the morning of May 20, 2011, hundreds of emergency responders across the central United States got the alert: A devastating earthquake along the New Madrid fault line had just...

Improve Public Services, Protect Communities

DigitalGlobe Homeland Security Solutions Provide Critical Insight DigitalGlobe’s high-resolution imagery and information solutions have played a key role in the effectiveness of programs designed to manage and monitor industries that impact homeland security. Using...

Bolster Incident Management and Mass Notification

Bolster Incident Management and Mass Notification

Buffalo Computer Graphics Delivers Large-Scale, High-Capacity Solutions Buffalo Computer Graphics Inc. (BCG) is a global provider of geographic information systems, crisis incident management and mass notification solutions, maritime training simulation systems, and...

Sensor-Knowledge System Protects Critical Infrastructure

Sensor-Knowledge System Protects Critical Infrastructure

Threat Detection and Assessment A development team led by TerraEchos and its sister company, GCS Research, both of Missoula, Mont., have introduced a commercial sensor-knowledge system capable of detecting, locating and classifying threats to remote high-risk...

Full-Motion Video Architecture Delivers Homeland Security Benefits

Full-Motion Video Architecture Delivers Homeland Security Benefits

Law Enforcement Using the same commercial broadcast technologies that have been proven in demanding television networks around the world, Harris offers the latest architecture of FAME™ — the full-motion video asset management engine — now optimized for federal...

Rapid Mapping Bolsters Security and Disaster Response

High-Resolution Airborne Imagery Security and disaster mapping specialists have an insatiable  appetite for imagery; fortunately, there’s an ever-expanding menu of sensors to meet the demand. From large-format digital aerial photos to sub-meter-resolution satellite...


August Issue 2024